Monday, November 24, 2008

D-Mo's 1st Halloween

We've been we haven't. We've just been really busy! We'll make up for it, though, with a couple of posts and lots of pics to catch you all up.

Dylan turned 7 months in October and enjoyed his first Halloween. He didn't mind the Jack-o-lanterns one bit. In fact, he had a long conversation with a couple of them. Dylan did all of the talking.

Dylan also enjoyed his first Fall Festival at Trinity Baptist Church. He helped entertain everyone at the bean bag toss. We gave out prizes to everyone that could guess which one was the "real Dr. Chapman". What a pair!!!!

What a pair, again!!! Cousin Jack Duckling and Dr. D-Mo in da house. 9 months and a few hours of interstate is all that separates these two. I can tell they're gonna be buds. Jack likes to give Dylan hugs.

D-mo is showing off. Yep, he's pulling up like crazy, now. I believe this was the second time we caught him doing this in his crib. It won't be long until he's climbing up and over...Lord, help us!!!

Dylan cracking up while we make fun of him being a Redneck baby in his camo! If you look closely, you can see his 2 bottom teeth. He's not afraid to use them, either.

You ever get sleeepy after a big meal? D-mo does! He didn't even make it out of his high-chair this night.

Looking Gooooood! Both of you!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crawling @ 6 months

I know I'm milking a dry cow, but time is FLYING by! Another month of memories have been made. Dylan is now 6 months old and changing every day. In the last month, he has started crawling, eating baby food, and sitting up fairly good on his own. Oh, and he got in trouble last week for biting...that's right biting...he bit Gran's finger with his two new bottom teeth.

Laura and I recently experienced our first nights without Dylan. We went on a vacation to Virgin Gorda to visit some friends, and both of us were near miserable. We were gone a total of 5 days and 4 nights. You know how when you go on vacation, the traveling to your destination always seems to go quickly because you're looking so forward to it. Well, this is the first time ever that I was more excited coming back than I was going. Just another example of how becoming a parent changes your life.

He still says, "Dadadadadada" a lot, but he has started truly bonding with Laura. Anytime Laura leaves the room, he pouts and whines. Cute for now.

It's true what they say about dirty diapers getting dirtier when a baby is teething and even more when you add baby food. I hope I don't offend anyone, but I must share. Laura left this morning before we changed Dylan's diaper and yes, it was a nasty poopy diaper. Only this time, it was 3 different colors (light brown, greenish brown, and orange...carrots, I guess) and 3 different consistencies (hard, grainy, and runny). And, I almost threw up at least 3 different times...not really, I actually handled it pretty good, but...there was a time when I would have. Amazing how having a kid changes us. And, what crazy is he's only been around 6 months!! I look forward to all the memories our family will be making!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Vacation!

Dylan loved Dauphin Island as much or more than we did!!! He seemed to really like the waves. When we would walk on the beach, he would kick his legs like he wanted down to play in the waves. He was truly intrigued. You could see his genious brain churning, which by the way, he inherited from his mother.

We all enjoyed our first "family" vacation!!!! Can't wait to go again!! With that said, here is what everyone wants...more pics of D-Mo.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

D-Mo's growing up - 4 months and counting

We've kind of dropped the ball on posting new pics. But, we have a good excuse. We have been busy loving on our blessed, cute, little, handsome Dylan (ok maybe we're a little biased)!!!! He is a really good baby, though. His personality is surfacing and it's a lot of fun. In addition to smiling, he now laughs and smirks. Laura says most of his smirks look like me...poor child. I keep hoping he'll grow out of it.

He's definitely a morning person and loves to sing!!! If we could ever figure out how to post videos, we would love to share a video of his normal morning ritual. He usually wakes us up humming and cooing, and an occassional yell for attention. It's hellarious! Then when we get him out of his crib, we put him in his swing and he sings like an angel the rest of the morning...until he's hungry, again, of course.

I thought I got irritable when I get hungry. Maybe that's where he gets if from. When he's hungry, he can lock-in on a bottle like a heat seeking missile! And, I don't quite understand what's he says, but I think he's saying "Go, go Gadget arms", because he reaches and stretches for the bottle until you get it close enough for him to snatch it. Then it's on!!! That's another video we'll have to share with everyone if and when we figure videos out.

Speaking of eating, we introduced cereal to him when he turned 4 months. Everytime we feed him, he's not sure of it until after one or two spoon fulls. After that, he's practically falling out of his Bumbo seat leaning toward the spoon to get more. And, like his momma, it never fails that we always have to change his outfit because he gets food on it.

Other things Dylan is doing is reaching for people. It's not super apparent to the naked eye, but to Momma and Dad's eyes, we can tell that he's definitely reaching for us when we get home from work. He's also started facial exploration with his hands. He loves to play with goatees, noses, and shows a small interest in jabbing his fingers in an eye socket. Oh, and he's discovered hair (not on my head, of course). Be careful, though, he has a death grip. If he gets his hands on your hair, you may be on your way to looking more like 2Pop.

Dylan does have one unique ability I would like to share with everyone. He can say, "Dadadadada". It tooks lots of work, but with 4 months and a few doggie treats, he finally got it. I knew I had to teach him this trick before he knew what he was saying. But boy, it certainly is rewarding. I know Mom will share the feeling when Dylan does actually understand what he's saying and forgets the word, "Dada" and starts saying "Momma". But until then, I'll eat it up. :)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I forgot to share with everyone that Dylan is now sleeping all night. He normally goes to sleep around 8pm and wakes up about 5am. We've been counting our blessing for about 3 weeks, now. We also learned that he definitely needs his naps during the day. Here's some examples...
Laura and I woke Dylan up to take a dip in the pool. He was not too happy to be awakened by cold water on his skin. But, he passed back out as soon as we got him out of the pool.
Like father, like son...Just chilling watching the tube before bedtime.
Just a swinging with 2-Pop on the porch. Dylan loves the outdoors. A little heat + a litte breeze = sleepy time.
Hanging out with Dad...he fought sleep as long as he could that night.

When he's tired...
Even Aunt Tootie can put him to sleep.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 Months and!

Three months have past and time is not slowing down. Maybe time does have wings, because it has flown. I know, I know, I'm officially getting old. I remember when I was a little kid hearing "old" people say, "your kids are growing up so fast" or "last time I saw him he was just a baby". I am officially getting old because now I totally understand what they were talking about. That's ok, though, I can rest peacefully believing another saying, the older we get the wiser we get.

Enough about Father Time, I want to bragg on my son. He now weighs about 15 pounds and is a full 2 feet long (or tall). At the rate he's growing, he'll be taller than me when he's 4 years. Watch out Shaq!! There's a new Great White Hope in town!!

The best part is, he's still just as happy as can be. He's still smiling all the time and now has started giggling. And, man, is that a trip! We'll try to get a video attached so that you can hear him giggle. He's ticklish, so it shouldn't be too hard to do.
I don't have any life-changing stories to tell this time, so I'll just post some more pics. I know that's what everyone is interested in, anyway. Oh, it shouldn't be too long before he's rolling around. Honey stopped him from rolling over this week because she wanted Mom and Dad to be there to witness it (So thoughtful!). I guess he'll start crawling soon after (time for us to get in shape).
Hope all is well and God bless!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


As you read in my previous post, Dylan loves to smile. So, I thought I would share some more pics with you. These are Uncle Stuey's professional pics. Thanks, Uncle Stu!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Smiling @ 2 months...except when needles are involved!

Dylan turned 2 months old, already. It's hard to believe. And, with that being said, I have accepted that I am indeed getting old...because only old people squeeze little chubby cheeks and talk about how fast kids grow up.

Speaking of chubby cheeks, Dylan is getting ready for all the Aunts, Great Aunts, and Great-Great Aunts that just can't resist pinching fat little cheeks. I'm beginning to wonder is he has some pockets inside his cheeks that packs full of gophers do. One of these days, I'm gonna catch him sleeping with his mouth open and I'm gonna grab my lil' 2-AA mag light and sneak a peak at his pouches.

Well, last time we posted, Dylan had just discovered his smiling muscles. He has been excercising them, and now he uses them pretty frequently. And we love it!! He'll wake up, streeeeeettttccch his little back and grunt and moan. Then, he opens his eyes to see funny looking people (Momma and Daddy) and just smiles like no other. He doesn't even have to think he's going to Canton. All we do is smile at him, and he smiles right back. And of course, that just makes us smile even bigger, and then he smiles some more! It's AWESOME!! It's a feeling that's out of this world! It's a true blessing that God would allow smiles to be so contagious...even more contagious than yawning.

So, if you read the title, you'll know that Dylan has not been smiling all the time, though. He went today for his 2-month shots. Laura took him in this morning, he got three shots, and Laura said it was so sad. But, he's tough like his Daddy (Shut-up, Robby!), so he didn't cry long.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Here are a few more pics that we like.